Pediatric Massage​
Massage benefits children by reducing anxiety* and promoting restful sleep patterns, among many other important functions. A parent or primary caregiver must be present, in a state of receptivity, and engaged in the appointment. Health intake forms are completed online by the guardian, and depending on the health conditions, a doctor’s note could be required.
To schedule an appointment please call or email me at linda.caravia@vitalitytmy.com.
Pediatric massage is similar in some ways to adult massage, as the health benefits and power of touch can be profound. It's also different in that:

Children do not completely undress for the massage appointment, they can change into shorts and a tank top or keep on whatever clothing they are wearing when they arrive.
Children are given choices in how and if massage is applied, with using a yoga mat in place of a massage table and other child-friendly accommodations. To be clear, It is always the child’s choice if they are ready and willing to receive a massage.
Perhaps the first appointment is about building trust and rapport, explaining what massage is, and answering the child’s and parent’s questions.
It could be that some creative massage or children’s yoga-related activities are incorporated. Working closely with caregivers to offer hands-on instruction and teach awareness through safe, therapeutic touch can relieve stress and assist in growth and development.
It is important to know that Oregon Licensed Massage Therapists must undergo an FBI fingerprinting and Oregon State Police background check and that the educational requirements in communication and ethics, anatomy, kinesiology, pathology, massage, and hydrotherapy are a minimum of 625 hours. For each renewal, which is every 2 years in Oregon, massage therapists must report at least 25 hours of continuing education, and at least 4 hours in communication and ethics.
Additionally, being a certified Imagination Yoga (children’s yoga) teacher means I also have education in yoga and background checks and FBI fingerprints done and on file with the Oregon Department of Education. It also means I have numerous stories, breathing exercises, and movement-related suggestions that calm the nervous system, as well as get the wiggles out.
*Field, T., Morrow, C., Valdeon, C., Larson, S., Kuhn, C., & Schanberg, S (1992). Massage reduces depression and anxiety in child and adolescent psychiatric patients. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 31, 125-131.